Monday 17 April 2017


            Sibyl is a movie that was based on the true story of a person who had diagnosed with Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID).  It is always fascinating that audience would like to read or watch on the story that talks about the this disorder as it was interesting to find out that how many personality can live inside a human body.  Another reason would be that people tends to find it surprise and excited to watch this kind of movie that are related to DID as it was seldom found by people in the society.  It is considered rare cases and people do found it interesting in how a person with multiple personality could live with a normal life. 

            However, most of the movies that portrayed on this disorder tend to exaggerate on the symptoms and personality that patient had.  This can be shown in the recent movie which named Spilt which also talks about the criminal who had suffered from DID being portrayed that he had one of the personality that are criminal who kidnapped the girls and locked them in a room and lastly killed two girls.  Besides that, Korean drama which named “Kill me heal me” is a another drama talks about the man who had seven personalities in it body and how these seven personalities had took over the control on his life.  Although in the end the domain main character’s personality managed to get cured by taking over the control on his own life; however, it still has multiple personalities which includes on violent figures as the protective figure, suicide ideation figure which always seek to attempt suicide, children as symbolism of regress, figure who know how to build bomb and etc.  This all movie and drama showed that patient with DID should have the violent figure who may involve in criminal action; however it is a false statement.  There are no scientific research that showed that people with DID must include violent and the ways that the movie had been portrayed tends to exaggerate the seriousness of the disorder to the audience.  In contrast, the movie, Sibyl did not exaggerate the disorder and tends to portray the real symptoms and seriousness of the disorder.  This is shown in the movie that Sibyl did not portray any violent figure that will cause harm to the others.  This could educate the audience that DID patient is not as scary as we may taught. 

            Furthermore, most of the movie which portrayed people with DID disorder are more likely in experiencing some forms of traumatic events in the childhood.  It is align with the DSM as most of the study found that people who are unable to get away from the traumatic events in the childhood have a higher chance in getting DID.  However, it is not compulsory that people who have trauma in childhood would developed DID but it will increase the chances that people getting this disorder.  For example, Sibyl experience of abuse by her mother who had Paranoid Schizophrenia during her childhood which is the root cause that leads to her DID in her later in life.

            In conclusion, I think that Sibyl is a good movie as it demonstrate the DID with the most accuracy information without any extra exaggeration on the disorder that will miseducation the audience in it.  It is important that we know what is the root of cause that leads to the problem and we may solve the problem by curing the root of the cause.  A person tends to have may different ways to deal with the issue that came across. It is essential that we need to overcome the issue and move forward with life with a more positive attitude.  

Monday 3 April 2017

Schindler's List

Schindler’s List is a movie that was set during world war 2 where there are conflict between the Nazi and the Jews.  Oskar Schindler who is one of the member from the Nazi party save the lives of those under oppression of the Germans.  

In the movie of that era, it does portrayed gender inequality where the male are way more superior than the female.  This is being showed in the movie where the female will be capture either work as a laborer, slave or sex partner.  This gender inequality occurred due to the roles that are given by the society.  Women who live under that period of time are confine with role of mothers and spouse even for though whose husband are from the Nazi Party.  

This is because that society at that period of times thinks that woman was teh notion of motherhood and procreation for those of child bearing ages.  The Nazi model of woman did not have their own career, but wads responsible for the education of the children and for housekeeping.  For example, Oskar Schindler’s wife has no right to scold his husband for being betrayed their marriage when she found out that her husband is having sexual relationship with another woman.  Aside from that, there are also a lot of scenes in the movie that portrayed the unusual treatment that received by the female especially to those who are Jewish.  Many Jewish female are act as the prostitute and even sex slave for the Nazi male to release the sex desire whenever they want it.   

Not to deny, gender inequality not only happen in the past but it still exist nowadays especially happen in the less developed country like Yemen, Pakistan, Syria and etc.  This can be explain generally by the norms such as patriotically and culture norms that exacerbate favoritism towards male than female.  For example, in India and China who practice patrilocality and concern for women’s “purity” help in explaining the male-skewed sex ratio and also low female employment rate.  This cultural norm has lead to the society that male proportion are more than the female proportion that may also lead to why there are many male could not find their life partner due to the imbalance proportion of male and female.  

In conclusion, gender inequality starts from the culture norm of the people and should end with people.  By changing our perceptions toward female and male, it will decreased the stereotype that people would have towards both gender on capability and also superiority.