Monday 16 January 2017

Cinema Paradiso

            Cinema Paradiso is a type of ancient movie that talked about the past in the 19th century that describe how evolution of movie industry had change a boy’s life.  In the story, it started when the boy is a at a very young age and he had fell in love with the movies at his village’s theatre, cinema paradiso.  In the cinema theatre, he had formed a deep relationship with the theatre’s projectionist like father like friend. 

            In this movie, it did portray on how the childhood is so important in impacting a children life in the future. For example, Toto loved movie when he was young and although many people did tell him that being a projectionist is not a good job for him as he might not be able to earn high paid and need to work almost every day in an enclosed area.  Toto being a student who was quite smart should have job that are better than this.  However due to his passion to the movie and accident that Adelfio had encountered, he decided to take over the place of being a projectionist in a very young age. 

            Aside from that, another element that had impact me was the relationship that had formed between Adelfio and Toto.  Many people think that the relationship between Adelfio and Toto was friendship even Toto’s mother had the same thought.  However, I felt that Toto treat Adelfio not only as friend but also a person with father figure.  This is because Toto’s father had passed away in the war and he did not have the opportunity to spend much time with his father and the only male adult that he was closed to was Adelfio.  They share the same commonality that both of them love movie and Adelfio willing share all his experiences with Toto like father sharing their story to the children. 

            Lastly, the part that most impacting me was the last part when the Adelfio kept his promise and give all the uncensored scene to Toto when he was old enough to handle it.  This triggered me to remind on my father.  My father is a person who also always keep teaching me that a person need to keep promise and do not make a promise if we are unable to fulfilled it.  By keeping promise may indicate the person is reliable and responsible.  If the person did not be able to keep their promise, they may lose their credibility to the others and soon they might be no one in trusting us anymore.  

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