Monday 20 February 2017

Forget Paris

            I still remember that when I was young, I did have the chance to watch those fantasy movies like Cinderella, Snow White etc.  All of those stories have one common theme which always portray the ending with a happy ending by showing that both the lead male and female actor will live happily ever and after.  As an audience, sometimes we will be curious on the what would be their life after the story end; however, the story always just end there and did not further explain the story.  Forget Paris is another story that emphasize on the life after married of a couple.  Forget Paris is

            Mickey is a professional referee who travels to France to bury his father.  In the process, he met Ellen who works in the Airline that handling the shipping of the Mickey’s father coffin to the Paris.  Their meeting occurred as the Airline had lost Mickey’s father during the travel; with it he had the chances to meet Ellen in helping Mickey to locate and retrieve the coffin.  Their started fall in love in a short while and even Mickey decided to delay his flight in order to have the chance to spend time with Ellen.  However, every sweet moment should have an end when Mickey was forced to return back to his country for the NBA.
            The returnment of Mickey had caused him to miss the chance to be with Ellen as she had married.  Mickey could not give up on Ellen and even lose his temper during his job that lead to him being suspended by NBA, so he decided to flew back to Paris to find Ellen.  The truth had shocked him as Ellen got married but separated; however, he is unsure whether Ellen will get back together with her husband or not. 
            At last, Ellen got divorced with her husband and quit her job in France and got married with Mickey.  They had spent a honeymoon period like they had in the past in the Paris when they had met.  After the honeymoon period, Mickey went to back work and Ellen takes an entry-level service job.  Ellen started to feel lonely and depressed as she hated her new job and she could only saw Mickey a few days in a month.  Ellen forced Mickey to quit his job and he compromise by taking a one-year leave of absence and started to working as a car seller. 
            Mickey was very unhappy with his new job and need to stay at home to take care of Arthur, Ellen’s father.  He revealed that he wanted to go back to become referee as he love his job very much.  However, as Ellen had climb up to the management and had been offered a transfer to Dallas, but Mickey refuse it.  As a result, Ellen decided to take on the offer to transfer to Paris.  Now, both of them did not have the chances to spend time with one and another as Mickey was busy with his NBA tour and Ellen was working in Paris. 
            Both of them could not stand the loneliness and the empty feeling without the company of the others.  Mickey decided to run to Paris to find Ellen and before he make it to the airport, he saw Ellen in the arena.  Both of them meet and reconcile at the middle of the court and decided to be together again. 

Analogy of Marriage
            I always heard that people describe marriage as ½ + ½ = 1.  However, I think that this analogy is incorrect in describing marriage.  This is because I believe that every individual should be a complete person but not a half person.  Marriage is a combination of two complete people who hope to life together.  Recently, I had heard another analogy in describing marriage which is the companions in the journey of life.  I tends to believe that this analogy is more suitable in describing it as I believe that a couple in a marriage is a companion who can company one and another to walk in their journey of life which contains a lot of up and downs.  I believe that there is no one single life is smooth and there is always up and downs that people need to experience and marriage allows the people to have someone in accompanying to pass through it. 

Myths of Couplehood
Marriage is not the only option that we have in order to keep going in life.  Being
single is not the bad things; however, I believe that rushing into marriage without proper planning is worse.  This is because we may have not prepare physical and mentally in stepping into marriage and this may lead to us to blame on it later in life.  As a result, it is advised that people need to focus on our journey before finding a companion.  Finding a companion is not the only thing that we need focus in our life.  I tend to believe that if a person who have live a full and complete live are more likely to succeed in getting the right partner later in life. 
            People who live an empty life tends to dependent and place unreasonable expectations on their behalf.  It is important that people do no start their relationship due to loneliness or other factors unless we think that we have ready to step in it.  People should not always have the idea to seek for perfect compatible mate as the criteria in seeking future partner.  There is no one who are perfectly compatible with one and another; as every people are brought up differently with different culture of background, personality, values and etc.  I believe that perfect mate should be the one who can adapt and compromise with one another by understanding what is the difference between the couple and empower the strength of the couple to minimize the conflict and gap between them. 
            In a conclusion, I think that communication is a very important element in a couplehood relationship.  Almost all the conflict start by having assumption.  People should not assume what other people think on the issue as it may not the truth.  Couple should also leave each other some space so that they are not stress with the close and intimate attachment. 

Why Mickey and Ellen had so many conflicts?
            Mickey and Ellen always argue with one and another as they always have high expectations both of them had of each other, as they would always highlight their magical week in Paris, and would say how both of them had changed so much since the time they first met. Because of this, their current relationship was neglected leaving it to crumble because of Mickey and Ellen’s lack of focus on their current situation at hand.  Their relationship did not work well was because of the high expectations coupled with wrong intentions held by both Mickey and Ellen. Why I say wrong intentions is because when the two met each other, both of them were at their lowest points in their lives with Mickey struggling with his career, and Ellen separating from her husband. When one gets into a relationship in order to conceal the wounds of past pains, the outcome can be less than ideal especially if both partners are not willing to work with each other in order for both parties to grow and heal from their past wounds.  That’s why I believe that high expectations and only focus on the past is the factors that may lead to conflict between the couples.  Couple who always focus in the past may not move forward and may tend to blame on the other half for not having this and that. 


            In a nut shell, this movie had taught me the importance of communication in working on the relationship.  Relationship is not one-sided and it always need both parties to work hard together to pass through all the up and downs.  In the end, just like any other kind of relationship, if we want to make it successful, it would require a lot of work from both partners with communication being key to success. 

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